As many of you know, I love music. I grew up singing in choirs and playing in concert bands and had a pretty amazing experience with music in high school. I took a break after high school, got mono, and then realized that my life was super sad without music. Sure, I listened to music, but that doesn't even begin to touch the experience of performing high quality music with really good musicians (that's what I mean when I say "music")(I'm trying to see how many times I can use a variation of the word 'music' in one paragraph). So I auditioned for and joined the BYU Concert Choir (I also got to rehearse several times with the BYU Singers which was a delicious treat). That just reiterated to me that my life without music is like a squid with no ocean. Well I got married and had a baby and while Heavenly Father has blessed me with opportunities to make music since then, I miss the feeling of rehearsing regularly and pounding out notes and working on my technique between rehearsals.
So! I have decided that I am going to get my voice back into shape. The larynx, after all, is a muscle and when muscles aren't worked they get flabby. I have a flabby larynx. And that is possibly the only bit of really annoying flab on my body that I can't blame on Ava. Once my voice is back up to par I am going to audition for a choir. A good one. We'll be living so close to Chicago so I don't think finding a good choir will be a problem.
I'm really excited about this. I need it. And my voice has changed enough since last time I was in a singing groove that it'll be like getting to know my voice all over again. I'll have some serious diaphragmatic breathing to relearn and lots of resonance to adjust that I didn't have before. Did that last sentence sound like nonsense to you? Yeah, I'll probably just stop there before I start using words like
pointy and
tinny to describe vocal music and you really think I'm crazy.
Just know that I've got plans and I'm excited about them.