The dinner turned out to be pretty good (it's hard to really know when you're the one cooking. Food always tastes better when you don't have to cook it). I was proud of my turkey. I let it chill in some brine for 24 hours, cooked it breast side down, covered it in butter and broth soaked cheesecloth for the first 1 1/2 hour, and basted every 30 minutes. Most moist turkey I've ever had. So, yeah. It was fun. I didn't have all the extra decor I wanted. I just ran out of energy and time with moving and unpacking. Moh well.
After so much time together, Tom and I became pretty good friends.
a little food...
And a little conversation...
Maybe not so much conversation for her....
After Turkey Day we decided to take the train up to Chicago to see some sites. It was soooo cold and windy and I now understand why people sell/buy full-length down coats. We saw some cool legos, ate some pizza, and walked around the city. We wanted to do more (like Navy Pier) but after 20 minutes of walking the wrong way and being frozen to the bone we decided to just call it a day. After we got home Dustin and Rebecca went with Danny and Me to see the new Harry Potter. Loved it. We came home to see Aunt Shanna with Ava:
The rest of the weekend was enjoying each other. Which everyone did.
A lazy morning with technology...
Llou mashing bananas and Ava eating her toes?
Llou was obsessed with Ava. "Can I hold her? Can I hold her? Can I hold her?" And Ava loved it.
Yeah. Rebecca playing Mario on Wii. I know.
And Abug offering tips.
Llou and Grandpa
Good weekend is an understatement.
Dustin just commented to me that he didn't realize that you were taking pictures during dinner, which I then turned to him and stared at him. Well, that's cause I was taking them... (which apparently I need lessons on how to use your camera!).