Thursday, April 19, 2012

Join me for some crap eradication. Heh.

Well I don't know if you've heard, but refined sugar is like, real bad for you. Personally, it makes me lethargic and moody. Have you ever paid attention to what it does to you?
I want my tiny human to have truly healthy eating habits come naturally to her so I have started phasing the fake, sugary food out of my kitchen. Here are some magical suggestions that have kept her oblivious to my sneakiness and have kept my sweet tooth satisfied.

Frozen Yogurt Bites
This one is simple. Put some wax paper on a cookie sheet. Then, spoon some yogurt (read the label - make sure it's "crap" free yogurt) into a ziploc baggie and snip off a bottom corner. Pipe little dallops onto the wax paper and pop it into the freezer for an hour.

Ava looooooves these. She thinks the are candy! Yay mom's letting me eat a bunch of candy!!! Maybe because they are in the shape of a chocolate chip?

 Idea taken from

2 T cocoa powder
1/2 cup canned coconut milk
2 small, very-ripe bananas
scant 1/16 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
optional: feel free to add peanut butter!

Combine all items in a blender. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze.

These are so. good.

Idea taken from Pinterest - link to original source not working

German Chocolate Fudge Bites

3/4 cup pitted dates
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/16 tsp salt
2 T cocoa powder
2 T shredded coconut
1/3 to 1/2 cup raw pecans
optional: feel free to add some chocolate chips

Throw everything in a food processor and form into bars, balls, or whatever you want.

These have been a LIFESAVER for me. They are seriously so good - they taste like brownies.

Recipe from - check out the rest of her desserts.

I will also direct you to some other raw and refined sugar-free recipes that I looooove. (I change up the ingredients in this one a little bit to keep it raw) - I replace the chocolate chips with goji berries (see below)

I love all these new flavors I am experiencing.

I have a few other things up my sleeves to try - chocolate pudding made from coconut milk, beet chips, and some fruit leather. I'll let you know how they go!


  1. You have just made my day! Thanks friend!

  2. This is amazing. We will definately need to be trying all of these!

  3. I am going to try, well, all of these. Thanks! Another one we love is the frozen banana bites that were going around Pinterest (chunks of banana dipped in chocolate and PB, possibly rolled in coconut, and frozen) - so good.
